Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Taylors Lakeside Campus (part 2)

After elaborating about all the positives in Lake Side Campus, I this it is fair that I also write about the negatives in the Lake Side Campus. Where there is good there is always bad as noting is perfect. I also hope that I would not be putting my “Taylorian” life in jeopardy by writing the negatives of the lake side campus.

First I would like to say that the campus was built in such a rush that some classrooms have not been painted yet and the pipes that are shown out from the ceiling is not a good way of promoting a classy college. In my opinion I think that the contactors rush to build this campus because time had its limit with them. My main prove is that the commercial buildings have not been built yet and it had been predicted to be finished in year 2011.

There is also the bad smell of cow “poop” which makes the campus smell like a farm. Why does a college which cost millions and millions of dollars to build have cows in its area? Why didn’t Taylors College just buy over the land? These are the common question asked by students who are still confused why the campus smells like cows feces.

Taylors Lake Side Campus is a non smoking campus which has made a quite large part of the students angry as why don’t they at least have a few smoking “pots” where students who are on their breaks after a long and stressful day of class. I have been caught smoking by the guards numerous times until; I don’t care anymore as it doesn’t scare me if they even threaten to kick me out from the campus.

The food in the campus has shocked a lot of student’s even lectures. Rm4 for a sandwich with a thin slice cheese and a quarter of an egg is not a good deal to students. I would not mine paying any amount of money for food, but it must at least be worth eating and I think that a prestige campus as Taylors College should at least lower down its food price as most of the students are not working.

Taylors Lake Side Campus has also limited parking spaces and if it passes a certain time limit, one must park really far from the campus. It sometimes takes me around 15 minutes just to walk to my class and I would be mark absent by my lecture.

This has been all the negatives in Taylors Lake Side College. I do not mind studying here but if given a choice to make changes I would definitely make a drastic change in this campus. Firstly abolishing the no smoking rule and creating rooms where students can smoke. Secondly I would buy over the cow farm and modify it into a parking lot so student can fine more parking. The smell of cow’s you know what would also go away and the fresh smell of oxygen can finally be smelled.

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